Welcome to my blog!!!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Long time no post!

Okay, so I've been away for a while... Well, ahem, I guess I should say I've just been away. I had actually just forgotten that I even created a blog. So lets try this again...

Hey there! I'm Amber! A second year chemistry major who enjoys baking and cooking to no ends! =)

Better? Good! Now that we've gotten that out of the way....

This has, by far, been the most stressful semester ever!!! The product of all the stress? Tons and tons of baked goods. I've developed an even deeper addiction to baking. At LEAST once a week I find myself in the kitchen... covered in flour... all giddy and clicking my heels...

Mmmmm... I'm excited just thinking about it... Aren't you?!

Anywho, since my camera hasn't worked since oooh, I don't know... the beginning of the semester... I won't go into all the things I've successfully (and unsuccessfully) baked. You know, like cookies, cakes, cupcakes, ice cream, donut holes, rice krispy treats, apple turnovers, and crepes... Yup, crepes...

See... looky...

There's brown sugar and cinnamon apples in them... yummy. =) (Uh, I guess I should mention that this picture is from this past summer... but it works.)

So yup, that's what I'm capable of... And hopefully I'll be able to keep you posted.

Until next time have a good week and happy... uh... happiness??? And baking of course...

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Let's Get Started!

Hey there!

For a couple of years now my mom has been telling me that I should start my own blog about this or that... well, now that it's summer time and school's out (not really, I'm taking summer courses at the community college while I'm home) I'll be cooking and baking like there's no tomorrow. I've only been home for about three weeks but I've managed to bake 2 batches of cookies and brownies, banana bread and other random goodies that I tweak or create.

So, this blog is going to be something of an outlet. I plan to take pictures of what I've made and maybe reveal a little more about myself. Hopefully I get a few followers and people are actually interested in my many, upcoming kitchen ordeals. Until next time... happy creating!